Talk to anyone who’s lived through a disaster,
and they’ll tell you the same thing:
There’s no such thing as a universal emergency kit.
Different people have specific needs
that can only be met with specific items.
Like a translation device for the foreign resident
who may not understand instructions
for fleeing to higher ground.
Or dog-specific emergency goods
for the family who owns a dog.
Or soft emergency rations for the elderly woman
who can’t eat anything hard.
A wheelchair user. A pregnant woman.
A company employee.
Every person is different-which means
every emergency kit must be different, too.
So, we’d like to invite you to assemble
your own personalized emergency kit.
You’ll learn exactly what you will need
to survive a disaster,
and what you’ll need to protect the people-
and pets-you care about the most.
When everyone’s needs are taken into account,
everyone emerges from a disaster
safe and sound.